Returns and guarantee


You can return your product within 14 days of receipt. The product must then be returned complete and in its original condition (no signs of use) and packaging.

Do you want to return a product? Let us know by e-mailing your order number to

You must pay return costs.

The purchase amount will be refunded to the account used to make payment within 14 days of receiving your product.

Return shipments are at the risk of the buyer. Heech Nautical Centre is not liable for damages or losses of returned products, so always request a track & trace number.

Have you got any questions about the guarantee, damages during shipping or returning products? Call 0515-443402 (9:30 to 17:00 Tuesday to Saturday) or e-mail


All products you buy from us have a legal guarantee. This means a product must be in good condition upon delivery, and work properly under normal use. All products on this website are supplied with a guarantee.

If a product under guarantee fails to work properly, we will look for a suitable solution as soon as possible. This may mean offering a new or replacement product or, in extreme cases, reimbursing the purchase amount. If a product fails to work properly because you have misused it, the guarantee is invalid.

Claim under guarantee

Is your product broken or damaged? To resolve the problem as quickly as possible, please e-mail us at

We will respond by e-mail within 24 hours on our working days (9:30 to 17:00 Tuesday to Saturday).

Damaged on delivery

Have you received a delivery with damaged items? Please take photos of the damage, and e-mail them to us at