Orders and payments


Ordering online is quick and easy. Follow the few simple steps below to place an order at nautischcentrum.nl.

1. Click ‘Place in Shopping Basket’ for the desired item.
2. By hovering over the shopping cart icon at the top of the screen, you can click ‘View shopping cart’ or ‘Checkout’.
3. Click View shopping cart to see the items and quantities you have added to your shopping cart.
4. Payment? Click ‘Go to checkout’
5. Enter your details, and check they are correct.
6. You can select your preferred delivery and payment methods on the same page.
7. An overview appears with all the items in your order so you can check it. Before you can proceed to the checkout page, you must tick the box confirming that you agree with the terms and conditions.
8. Click ‘Place order’, to definitively place your order and select your preferred payment method.
9. After completing payment, wait until you return to the e-store.
10. Your order has now been completed. We will keep you informed about its ongoing status.


There is a choice of payment methods, all in a secure environment.

iDEAL: Secure online payment via your own bank.

Overboeking: Pay in advance by making a manual transfer from your bank account.

Sofort: The international version of iDEAL, which supports almost all international banks.

Giropay: The most common payment method in Germany.